Where or what to eat in Elmira, New York

Where to eat in Elmira, New York

About Us

We are anonymous food critics in Elmira, New York. We frequently eat out and review local restaurants. Our reviews only include our last visits to restaurants - dates included, what time of the day, and how many where at our table.

As food critics, we value quality, flavor, and FRESH food. We give our highest regard to those restaurants who serve the best. Those that prepare fresh food usually score much higher than those who do not. We define FRESH as food that that "never been frozen,"or "microwaved back to life." Yes, restaurants, we can tell the difference. We are also very health-conscious - if everything on the menu is breaded and deep-fried, or slathered in butter, eggs, and cheese, we will mention it. The healthier the food, the higher our score.

We score in five major areas - Food, Service, Cleanliness, Ambience, and Value and we are brutally honest. Our purpose is to look beyond specific dishes and experiences to capture the whole of a restaurant and its intentions.

We follow the Association of Food Journalists Food Critics' Guidelines.

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