Four with everything. Fries with gravy. |
Food 7 out of 10
Service 8 out of 10
Cleanliness 8 out of 10
Ambience 7 out of 10
Value 4 out of 10
Total score 33 out of 50 points
As food critics, we value quality, flavor, and FRESH food. We give our highest regard to those restaurants who serve the best. We score in five major areas - Food, Service, Cleanliness, Ambience, and Value and we are brutally honest.
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Four with everything. Fries with gravy. |
I love that they grill their hots, they are not boiled,steamed,or rolled. I like the charring the grill gives their hots. Also the meat sauce is mild and doesnt over power tje flavor of the dogs. Some places use a spicey tomatoy chili sauce that masks the flavor of the hot dogs. Go for the hots but forget the sides they are pretty awful
ReplyDelete. If you must have a side hp for the fries yhry sre at least eddiblr